Security Solutions

A common question you hear being discussed within the security industry is whether a generalist security solutions provider can provide an effective single security package for a client or whether that client is better protected by utilising individual people or companies to provide each aspect of their security requirements?

Whilst there are certain circumstances where a very specific requirement might demand a very specific capability, it is usually the case that a client will require more than one single capability in order to provide them with a satisfactory level of protection. Often the issue here is that the client will come to the security company and tell them the solution they require, rather than telling them their problem and allowing the security company to dissect the problem, look at the threat and produce an effective security solutions proposal.

Perhaps one of the problems is terminology. A security company should only really be categorised as ‘generalist’ if they provide the full range of security capabilities themselves - in this case it would be impossible to maintain a high level of skills, qualifications and experience across every single aspect of the industry. Instead, there is some middle ground between the two models (generalist and specific) which is where you will find most of the high-end boutique private security companies operating. These companies incorporate ‘subject matter experts’ for the more intricate security capabilities alongside their own highly experienced consultants.

Utilising an expert security consultant to oversee and manage a wide range of security capabilities carries far less risk than allowing those capabilities to be delivered without any sort of synergy or control - they will be more effective when delivered as a package and there is less chance of missing a particular part of the threat. That consultant will have a comprehensive knowledge of the threat and will be able to utilise the most appropriate capabilities, some of which will need to be incorporated into the project from an external provider.

At Westacre Security, we would never class ourselves as a generalist security company. We utilise an extensive network of specialists who are all from elite backgrounds and very much at the pinnacle of their own individual trade. Using these specialists alongside our experienced full time staff and consultants enables us to provide a superlative service for our clients.